MODULEF distribution

In this section, you will be able to download the complete MODULEF distribution.


Available files

In this section, you can download:

Platforms on which MODULEF works

MODULEF has been successfully installed on most UNIX platforms, including linux.

Conditions of use (licence)

The free software licence under which MODULEF is distributed grants a large freedom to users, including for commercial purposes.

(Sorry, no) Assistance on install and use

Modulef is made available by INRIA at no charge. Moreover, this site is maintained by INRIA researchers who take care of it on top of their research work. Hence, no form of systematic assistance on install or use is operational. If you encounter a problem, you can try and send an email to , but we cannot guarantee that it will be answered (in particular if it pertains to intallation problems). Still, you are welcome to send us bug reports, which will help us improve our future distributions.

Access to the download page

We emphasize that you can download the various elements of the MODULEF distribution only if you accept the terms of the accompanying licence. If you do accept, you may click here to access the download page.

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