IACR Statement for Maria Naya-Plasencia

I have been an active member of the IACR since 2006. I was, in 2016-2018, the first co-editor-in-chief of the IACR ToSC journal, changing the publication model we had been following with FSE. I am one of the main pioneerss of the quantum symmetric cryptanalysis field, and I am therefore involved in both related subcommunities. I am also proud to say that I managed to send the last email in a public debate with Dan Bernstein.

I'd like to be an IACR board director to help making fair decisions and needed changes (by listening to everyone and establishing real dialogues); to help preserving the high quality of research developed within the IACR; to continue seeking and improving an important equilibrium between diversity in all senses of it; to defend equality and respect.