File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
arith.c [code]
arith.h [code]
buff.c [code]
buff.h [code]
cwdata.c [code]
decrypt.c [code]
dicho.c [code]
dicho.h [code]
encrypt.c [code]
gf.c [code]
gf.h [code]
keypair.c [code]
main_cwinfo.c [code]
main_decrypt.c [code]
main_encrypt.c [code]
main_genparams.c [code]
main_keygen.c [code]
main_mce.c [code]
main_secinfo.c [code]
mat.c [code]
matrix.h [code]
mceliece.h [code]
params.h [code]
poly.c [code]
poly.h [code]
precomp.c [code]
precomp.h [code]
randomize.c [code]
randomize.h [code]
sizes.h [code]
workfactor.c [code]
workfactor.h [code]

This work was partially suported by Europian Network of Excellence, ECRYPT; ECRYPT